Wednesday, November 13, 2013

An Image from Our Minority Population

Describe the image in detail.
This image shows a malnourished boy sitting on the floor with his legs bent upwards and his arms crossed on both knees. He has skinny legs and large feet. His head is leaning on his wrists. The boy's eyes are dark and he is slightly looking down. The image is taken during the daytime in an area with dry, sandy and rocky ground, possibly in Africa where starvation happens more often.

How does the image make it's argument? Connect the details of the image and describe how those parts work to create that argument.
The image makes a powerful argument that there are a lack of resources for this boy to be healthy. It depicts a strong image of how minority groups are dealing with the issue of malnutrition. In comparison with a health person, you can see that the boy is underweight and malnourished because of his extremely skinny body and legs. The image shows an outline of the boy's body most likely due to starvation and lack of fat and muscles. After viewing this image, we are able to see that the boy is skinny to the point of no body fat. We need a healthy amount of body fat to generate energy for daily bodily functions. The boy can easily become prone to illnesses and deceases. Ultimately, this image argues that there are a lack of resources and healthcare access in minority groups.

Analyze the effectiveness and persuasiveness of this argument.
This is an effective argument because many people don't understand that minorities are humans like everyone else and they require basic healthcare access to be healthy too. In countries of poverty, they lack healthcare access, so mortality rates are increased. This image reminds us of the issue of poverty in the United States being ignored. It seems like Americans are misusing the resources in America because there are people who are suffering from starvation and malnutrition. With the children being the future of our society, we need to help them grow to be healthy and successful individuals, not leading them to starvation, illness and death. This image makes a persuasive argument that minority groups are suffering from lack of resources and they require help from us to receive adequate healthcare.

Respond to the image and the argument.
It is an honor for me to use this image for this post because I am trying to make a change for minority groups. Viewing this image of this boy being so skinny to the point of possible death is heartbreaking. It encourages us to be more concerned about our priorities and gain insight in taking part in making a difference in a person's life. With the poverty and inequality existent in poor countries, sometimes we don't know how to start making positive changes. Although we may have different perspectives on this image, this image reminds us that we should be aware of how the world affects everyone around us and become more open-minded in making a change for those in need.